From Linux NFS
If you are running Fedora 19, you can install a packaged version of fedfs-utils-0.9. On other distributions, build fedfs-utils from scratch.
Pre-packaged install
fedfs-utils is split into several packages so you don't have to install all fedfs-utils components on every host. But for convenience, you can install everything with this command:
# yum install fedfs-utils
Build from scratch
1. Download the fedfs-utils-0.9 release tarball from [1].
2. Unpack the fedfs-utils-0.9 tarball somewhere convenient.
3. Run ./configure. If you are on a 64-bit platform, be sure to specify "--libdir=/usr/lib64".
The ./configure script may find missing package dependencies. Typical ones are: libcap-devel, libtirpc-devel, libuuid, uriparser-devel, and graphviz. Install these to allow the ./configure script to complete successfully.
4. Once ./configure completes successfully, use "make" to build the package.
5. If the build worked, as root run "make install"